Summer Storms and Healthy Trees

Summer storms are here, which can mean strong wind and lightning. After a storm, many people will rake up leaves and pick up a few tree branches that might have fallen. But few will take time to look at each tree to see if there is wind damage or if a tree has been hit by lightning. It is essential to take time to look up and check each tree.

Summer Storms and Healthy Trees

Wind Damage

If limbs have fallen from a tree, even a small one, watch that part of the tree to see if the tree seems to be infected. If more limbs fall, if leaves look damaged, if the bark is loose, or if you see insect holes or bleeding on the tree, your tree is probably infected. The tree needs professional help, just as an infected cut on your hand would need a doctor. If the infection is not treated, you could lose the entire tree.

Lightning Damage

If your tree is tall, it might be challenging to see if there is lightning damage. If you look up and notice a dark spot, then there is a possibility the tree was hit during the storm. The only way to know is to have a professional inspect your tree and see if there is severe damage.

Surgery and Removal

Any damage to a tree needs to be inspected. If left untreated, the damage can spread throughout the tree, and during the next storm, the tree can land on a house, car, or person. While it might seem easy to remove the tree yourself, it is essential to consider the slope of the land, the wind, and if there is a weak side in the tree. You need a professional who can consider all of these things and either remove the damaged part of the tree or safely remove the entire tree. The professional will ensure that the tree does not damage your property while removing it, and you can rest easy during the next storm knowing the damaged tree is treated or removed.

Have you taken the time to inspect the trees on your property? Why not let the experts do that for you? Please contact us today and let us help make your trees safe so you can enjoy the summer.

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