Lightning Protection Brings Peace of Mind

Thunderstorms with lightning can be frightening, and while we are safe in buildings, our trees stand alone against one of the most powerful forces in nature. We have all seen trees with the telltale black scar of a lightning strike, and some never recover. But there is a way to protect your trees from the destruction of a lightning strike with tree protection systems installed by a qualified Advanced Tree Care Arborist.

Lightning Protection Brings Peace of Mind

Lightning strikes are devastating to a tree, particularly if the strike goes right through the tree trunk. This strike will usually kill a tree, but if it is only a partial strike the tree can usually be saved. Taking good care of your trees by mulching and feeding them increases their chance of survival. If you own a historic tree on your property or a large valuable tree that stands alone and attracts people, you may want to consider installing lightning protection. Trees that are in recreation areas or trees on a golf course also would be considered good candidates for lightning protection.

What is lightning protection for a tree? Trees can be protected by installing a copper cable system that goes from the top of the trees major trunks down to the ground, with special care taken to protect the trunk. The protection extends out beyond the root zone of the tree. These systems work very well and protect large and valuable trees from destruction, without injuring the tree itself.

If you take the necessary precautions, lightning strikes don’t have to destroy your large trees and cause damage to your property. Have a certified and licensed arborist discuss the best way to protect your valuable trees from this force of nature. Advanced Tree and Shrub Care can assess your lightning protection needs and install a complete lightning protection system.

Contact us at Advanced Tree and Shrub Care and speak with a licensed Master Arborist to keep your trees in great shape for years to come.

We proudly offer service excellence for both commercial and residential clients in, “Once per year treatments,” or “Total Care”. Whether we are growing with new landscapes or investing in established landscapes, we provide “Total Care.” – Advanced Tree and Shrub Care

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