Is Fall and Winter The Best Time To Prune Trees?
For most trees, the dormant season, late fall or winter, is the best time to prune although dead branches can and should be removed at any time. Pruning during the dormant period minimizes sap loss and subsequent stress to the tree. It also minimizes the risk of fungus infection or insect infestation as both fungi and insects are likely to be in dormancy at the same time as the tree. In the case of deciduous trees, pruning when the leaves are off will give you a better idea of how pruning will affect the shape of the tree. Some fruiting and flowering trees should be pruned at other times of the year, depending on whether they flower on the previous year’s growth or not. After pruning, it is always a good idea to give the tree a good fertilizing so that the tree can naturally close the pruning wounds and to reduce the stress placed on the tree. Advanced Tree & Shrub Care’s TREESENTIALS treatment program is an excellent fertilizer program to boost the overall health of the tree after pruning.
Call to schedule an appointment with one of our ISA Certified Arborists for an estimate.