Spring Mulching: How Much Does Your Landscape Need?

Mulching is good for many different landscaping needs and spring is the time to handle most of those tasks. But determining the answer to “how much mulch do I need?” isn’t easy. Below are some things to consider.

Spring Mulch Delivery: How Much Does Your Landscape Need?

Mulching Around Trees

While excessive mulching can damage trees, the proper amount of mulch will ensure their health. How much is enough, and how much is too much? And what kind of mulch is the best for your trees? The answer depends on the tree’s age, soil condition, surrounding terrain (is the tree on the near a riverbank or other water feature, or in a very windy area?) and other factors.

The type of tree also matters when determining how much mulch you’ll need to protect it through the seasons. When you call to order a mulch delivery for your trees, we will probably ask whether they are established shade trees, more delicate ornamental trees, or a native variety.

Mulching for Plants and Gardens

Whether you’re protecting the investment you made in border plantings or hoping for a bountiful garden crop this season, you know you need to nourish and protect your plants – and mulch is about the best way to do that.

The amount (and type) of mulch you’ll use in a vegetable garden or flower bed depends on a lot of factors, including the amount of shade the garden gets during the day, the types of plants that you’re growing, and soil conditions. Also, if the area is a very visible feature of your home landscape, you’ll want to make sure the mulch adds to the visual appeal of the garden, as well.

Mulching for Curb Appeal

We work with many homeowners throughout the year who want to improve their home’s “curb appeal” by mulching large portions of their landscape. While fresh mulch certainly improves the overall aesthetics of a residential lawn or landscape, figuring out just how many cubic feet or yard they need isn’t an exact science. Also, depending on the season, we may recommend a little more or less mulch as very wet or dry conditions can affect the thickness of mulch layers.

Still not sure quite how much mulch you need? Spring mulching for a commercial business location in the DFW area?  Contact us – our trained staff of arborists, shrub care experts and landscape professionals can help you determine your needs.

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