3 Signs Your Tree Should Be Removed

There are certain situations in which trees on your property need to be removed. In these situations, it is a good idea to hire a professional to get the job done safely and effectively. Here are three signs that your tree needs to be removed.

3 Signs Your Tree Should Be Removed

The Tree Roots Are Affecting Your Foundation 

One sign that you need to have a tree removed is if the roots of the tree have come in contact with the foundation of your home. In this situation, the trees roots will likely continue to grow up and under the foundation, which can cause it to crack and become unsafe. This can cost you thousands of dollars to repair and involves both fixing the foundation and removing the tree. However, if you act quickly and have the tree professionally removed before it can cause too much damage, you make your home safer and protect your foundation. Or the other alternative is to install a tree root barrier, this allows the owner to retain the value of having the tree and may be just enough to allow the foundation to settle back without any expensive repair.

The Tree Is Dying 

This is a health problem. If you have a tree that is dying, and cannot be determined by an Arborist to be saved, it must be removed. Some signs that your tree is dying include dead branches towards the top, cracks in the trunk, bark that is peeling off, fungus growing near the base of the tree, and anything else that indicates the tree is not thriving. In these situations, the structure of the tree is quickly becoming compromised and unsafe, so hiring professionals to properly remove the tree can reduce your risk of getting hurt.

The Trunk Is Leaning 

This is a structural problem. If you notice that the trunk of your tree is beginning to lean, then it is time to call a professional. The leaning of your tree will likely get worse and worse overtime, and it may fall into your home, your vehicles, your fence, or it could even fall on a person. Hiring a professional to remove a leaning tree is very important because they will make sure they bring the tree down in the proper location so that it doesn’t fall on anything in the process of removing it.

To hire a professional to remove your tree for you, visit us at Advanced Tree & Shrub Care.

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