Fall Tree Pruning

Three reasons tree pruning is a valuable asset to your property. Tree Health The health of your tree can depend as much as what is happening up in the crown as to what is going on in the soil below. Removing dead or dying branches is one way of stopping the spread of rot, pathogens…

How Lightning Protection Works to Protect Texas Trees

According to National Geographic, a single lightning bolt “can contain up to one billion volts of electricity.” When that kind of energy is surging through a tree, it’s no wonder lightning can do a lot of damage. Lighting can start fires, blow out windows, kill electrical equipment, and even fragment concrete. The damage caused by…

Trees vs. Grass (Value)

As a landscape appraiser, I can tell you that grass and flowers have no value, shade trees do and in fact immediately have a higher species rating which adds to your real-estate value.  You can replace sod and flowers effortlessly, trees not so much if at all. Trees live longer and they increase in size…

Tree Services

Searching on the Web for a tree service, and using a Contractor service provider such as Angies list, Thumbtack, Homeadvisor, Homeguide and Yelp is at your own peril. These entities are marketing companies, marketing their clients who pay for this service for fees to get there name in front of you. These services cannot deliver…

Tree Topping: Good or Bad?

Is tree topping really a bad practice? In most cases, yes. However, in the hands of a professional Certified Arborist it can be an additional tool to extend the life cycle of certain Ornamental and understory trees. For example, Bradford Pears have a life expectancy of 15-20 years in North Texas. This short life span…