What Does An Arborist Do?

If you have trees on your property that need attention or removal, or you need advice on the status, health or upkeep of your trees, you are looking for the assistance of an arborist.  But what actually is an Arborist?  Professional arborists do a lot more than just climbing trees with chainsaws.

What Does An Arborist Do?

What is an Arborist

The International Society of Arboriculture (ISA) is the organization in charge of certifying professional arborists.  ISA’s public outreach website, treesaregood.com, has an excellent section on the benefits of hiring a certified arborist. They describe an arborist as someone who is trained in the art and science of caring for trees; a certified arborist will have a thorough knowledge of how to plant and maintain trees.

By hiring a certified arborist, you know you are hiring a professional who will keep your trees healthy.  The same person will determine if any trees on your property are liabilities in terms of being diseased or in danger of causing damage to property.  A professional pruning, tree removal, or both may be in order.

Besides removals, tree assessments and pruning, arborists offer many other tree-related services like disease treatment and tree supports like cabling and bracing.  All of these tree related services can go a long way to maintaining the beauty and health of your trees and improving your property value.

Professional Certification

ISA’s mission is “to promote the professional practice of arboriculture and to foster a greater worldwide awareness of the benefits of trees.” They have varying types and levels of certification for arborists, the most common being the ISA Certified Arborist credential.   They offer rigorous programs for Tree Risk Assessment, Certified Climber Worker Tree Specialists, and Utility Specialists, among others.

ISA states that a Board Certified Master Arborist is the highest level of credential offered, recognizing those “ISA Certified Arborists® who have reached the pinnacle of their profession….Fewer than two percent of all ISA Certified Arborists® currently hold this certification.”

Advanced Tree Care offers the services of a Board Certified Master Arborist.  We proudly offer service excellence for both commercial and residential clients in, “Once per year treatments,” or “Total Care”. Whether we are growing with new landscapes or investing in established landscapes, we provide “Total Care.”  Contact us for information on how we can help you to care for your trees.

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