Staking and Tree Health
Staking small tress to help them grow is a common practice among homeowners, gardeners, and a variety of other people who work with plants. But is staking a good idea for a tree’s overall health? Let’s take a look at how staking trees might affect their growth and ability to survive.
Stakes are designed to help support a young tree while it gets its roots established well enough to keep itself upright. However if they’re improperly done or left on for too long, they can cause lasting damage to the tree and actually prevent it from being able to hold itself up in high winds.
When stakes are left on a tree for longer than one growing season, they can begin to discourage the spread of roots which help anchor the tree. Prolonged staking or stakes that have been wrapped too high around the tree can also alter the shape of the trunk, preventing the natural taper from occurring. Supports that are wrapped too tightly can also prevent natural bending from occurring in the wind. This can impact the stability of the tree even in calm weather and a brittle, inflexible trunk makes it more susceptible to being toppled or broken during storms.
While staking can be useful to help weaker plants get established well enough to support themselves, it should always be done carefully and never left for longer than is actually needed or else you risk causing lasting damage to the tree.
Do you have a tree with health problems? Contact us at Advanced Tree & Shrub Care today! We proud to offer excellent service to both residential and commercial clients.