Hidden Threats: How Squirrels Impact Tree Health

Most homeowners often admire the playful antics of squirrels as they scurry about, leaping from one branch to another. While these furry creatures might seem harmless, the reality is they can pose potential risks to your trees.

Squirrel Behavior & Trees

Before understanding the damage squirrels can cause, it’s important to know a little about their behaviors. Squirrels are natural climbers and are always in search of food. Trees, particularly those bearing nuts or fruits, are the perfect combination of shelter and food source for them.

The Damage They Can Cause

1. Bark Stripping

One of the most visible signs of squirrel damage is the stripping of bark. Squirrels often strip tree bark at the base or on branches to access the sap. They also use bark to line their nests. Over time, this can expose trees to infections or make them vulnerable to insect infestations.

2. Gnawing on Twigs and Buds

Squirrels have a tendency to gnaw on young twigs and chew off the buds of trees. This can stunt the growth of the tree and reduce its flower and fruit production.

3. Building Drey Nests

Squirrels often build large nests, known as dreys, in trees. These nests can cause structural imbalance in branches, leading to potential breakage especially during storms or windy days.

4. Distracting Predators

In their constant evasion from predators, squirrels might lead threats such as snakes directly to the tree. This can introduce a whole set of other problems for the tree’s ecosystem.

Advanced Tree Care: Your Defense Against Squirrel Damage

While it’s impossible (and not ecologically recommended) to completely rid your landscape of squirrels, there are measures to safeguard your trees against their damage.

At Advanced Tree & Shrub Care, Inc., we specialize in assessing and mitigating squirrel-induced harm to your trees. Our experts deeply understand the balance between nature and your landscape’s health.

Don’t Let Squirrels Get the Best of Your Trees

It’s always best to catch squirrel damage early on, but how can one be sure of the best remedies? While there are numerous online recommendations, every tree and situation can be unique. What works for one might not work for another.

That’s where our expert arborists come into play. Instead of guessing or using potentially harmful methods, let our team provide a tailored solution for your trees. At Advanced Tree Care, we provide options for squirrel damage tailored to the specific needs of your landscape.

Get in Touch Today

Concerned about squirrels damaging your trees? Don’t wait for the damage to escalate. Call our office to schedule a time to meet with our dedicated arborists. We’re here to ensure that both you and the squirrels can coexist harmoniously, without sacrificing the health and beauty of your trees.

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