Mistletoe: A Slow, Branch by Branch Death.

Few plants have such an attachment to mythology as mistletoe, be it that sprig you may steal a kiss beneath or the clumps of the parasite anchored to the branches of the shade tree in your yard that become apparent when it’s leaves fall each winter.  Ancient Greeks, Norsemen and Druids all gave it mythic qualities, but it is a real threat to your tree’s health and mortality. This is where an Advanced Tree Care certified arborist comes in and can save a tree in this condition.

Mistletoe: A Slow, Branch by Branch Death.

A single clump of mistletoe rooted to a branch may initially be only a problem to that particular branch, mistletoe is a parasitic plant that grows into the wood of your tree, robbing, cutting off the flow of water and nutrients to its further reaches. When matured the production of Its gummy berries fall to lower branches, germinating, thus  infecting other sites in your tree.

The homeowner may remove  low hanging clumps by simply cutting the branches, incorrectly this can harm the tree. But when it grows dangerously high in a tree or has become an infestation, it is time to call a certified International Society of Arborist (ISA) professional(Advanced Tree & Shrub Care Inc.)

The arborist has the training, education, experience and tools to do the job safely and correctly.  His years of experience have given him a sense for making cuts in a way that will maintain the tree’s natural shape and symmetry(character). While up in the canopy, the arborist will recognize and correct other problems the tree may have such as dead or crossing branches(structural issues); problems that may not be visible from the ground below. All of his cuts will be clean and smooth which will help the tree heal without an invasion of insects or pathogens that a ragged, torn cut would invite.

It is a sad experience to watch a healthy tree slowly die, strangled by mistletoe. The longer left in the tree the higher the risk to the tree both physically and structurally. As the mistletoe grows larger its demands grow equally. Trees grow weaker allowing a multitude of other organisms to freely attack the tree. In the long run it will kill your tree, and the only way to rid it from your trees is by employing a Tree Health Care provider, a Certified Arborist trained in the proper procedures of eliminating this deadly pest. Contact us today to learn more!


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