Topping (cutting off the top section of the tree) often removes 50 to 100 percent of the leaf-bearing crown of a tree.  Because leaves are the food factories of a tree, removing them can temporarily starve a tree.  The severity of the pruning triggers a sort of survival mechanism.  The tree activates latent buds, forcing the rapid growth of multiple shoots below each cut.  The tree needs to put out a new crop of leaves as soon as possible.  If a tree does not have the stored energy reserves to do so, it will be seriously weakened and may die.

A stressed tree is also more vulnerable to insect and disease infestations.  Large, open pruning wounds expose the sapwood and heartwood to attacks.  The tree may lack sufficient energy to chemically defend the wounds against invasion, and some insects are actually attracted to the chemical signals trees release.

Consult with an ISA Certified Arborist about proper pruning (trimming) of your trees.  Call today for a free estimate!

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