Three Reasons Why You Should Remove Tree Stumps

If you’ve recently had a tree chopped down, you may start to get the sense that there’s nothing left to do. After all, the entire tree has been chopped up and hauled away, never to pose another issue. That stump on the back lawn? You can worry about that some other time, right? Well, maybe not. In the excitement of getting your tree taken down, that stump may well have wandered to the back of your mind. However, stump removal is a smart idea for a variety of reasons.

Three Reasons Why You Should Remove Tree Stumps

Potential Injuries

The most urgent problem on our list is the safety issue. That tree stump in your yard isn’t just an aesthetic issue. It could also cause some real injuries. This is especially true if you have children or elderly adults in your household who could potentially trip over the stump that you never bothered to get removed. Getting that stump removed now could save you some serious headaches and medical bills in the future.

Landscaping Difficulties

You should also consider that tree stumps will be a hassle to deal with when you’re tending to your lawn. Do you really want to have to work around them when you’re mowing or weed eating? It’s just another problem to deal with. Also, it’s probably not a good idea to risk getting your lawn mower blades around an unremoved tree stump. Those blades are strong, but they’re not completely unstoppable. Accidentally hitting an old stump could potentially do some damage to your mower. Therefore, we have yet another good reason to get tree stumps removed.


Don’t you want your yard to look nice and presentable? Tree stumps are unsightly and will only serve to give your yard a grim and unkempt appearance. Remove tree stumps so that when guests come over to your house, they’ll be impressed by the tidy state of your lawn.

Health Threat

Leaving stumps provides a home base where disease and insects grow and fester. Whereby then jump to other trees in your landscape.

Tree stump removal makes sense for a variety of reasons. You won’t have to worry about any injuries and your lawn will be better off. Here at Advanced Tree & Shrub Care, we take pride in providing quality landscaping care. Please feel free to contact us to remove tree stumps or for any of your landscaping needs.

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