Preparing Your Trees for Spring Storms

Preparing Your Trees for Spring StormsLocal forecasters in North Texas call for another stormy spring this year. Homeowners’ often associate heavy, wet winter snows with tree damage but high winds are just as destructive. While broken tree limbs can’t always be prevented, proper maintenance reduces the chances of that happening. Preparing for spring storms should include a careful assessment of your trees by an ISA Certified Arborist and pruning performed by trained professionals.

While evergreens bow under the weight of winter snows, deciduous trees like Pecans, Elms, and Oaks are at risk for spring storm damage. Trees that are under or over pruned catch wind in spring because of their new leaves and poor structures. Limbs weakened by disease or insects are also at risk.

Proper pruning of mature trees does reduce the risk of limb breakage, but don’t forget your young trees. They also need pruning to train them for proper growth which can eliminate potential problems later on. Feeding trees, which is the most commonly overlooked service, should be performed yearly as it supplies your trees with everything they need to grow strong and healthy. A strong tree is more resilient and bends instead of breaking.

Hiring a professional to provide an onsite tree assessment is an excellent way to avoid spring storm damage to trees along with related damage to homes, nearby structures and property from falling limbs. Certified Arborists have the education and training with skilled crews who utilize special safety equipment to prevent falls and to work the trees safely and thoroughly. A professional Arborist can identify insects, diseases, assess risk or other problems such as structural imperfections that may not be visible to the untrained eye.

An ISA Certified Arborist who specializes in tree health care knows the full height and growth rate of various tree species and can plan to prune accordingly. They can also identify environmental factors that a homeowner may not be aware of, such as tree stressors and the damage risk to nearby structures. For help in assessing the health of your trees and to prepare them for spring storms, please contact Advanced Tree & Shrub Care, Inc.

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