There are plenty of trees in the DFW area. Shade trees, ornamental trees and understory trees. They grow large, wide, small and tall. The large trees are shade trees, the medium size trees are ornamental trees and the small trees are understory trees that grow underneath other trees. Some require wet situations like a Sycamore. Other species prefer dry sites like a Sumac. Clearly there is a tree for any condition your yard may be in. Knowing which species to plant, what ails them, and how to take care of them is up to us, the Certified Arborists (Tree Doctor).
- Arborvitae (EG)**
- Arizona Cypress (EG)**
- Ash (Green or Texas)
- Austrian Black Pines (EG)**
- Big Tooth Maple
- Bird of Paradise
- Buckthorn (US)*
- Bur Oak
- Button Bush
- Calorie Pear
- Carolina Laurel Cherry (EG)**
- Cedar Elm
- Cottonless Cottonwood
- Chinese Pistachio
- Chinquapin Oak
- Chitamwood
- Chitalpa Willow
- Crabapple
- Crape Myrtle
- Dawn Redwood
- Deodar (EG)
- Desert Willow
- Dogwood (US)* Roughleaf
- Elderica Pine (EG)**
- Eve’s Necklace (US)*
- Fig
- Hackberry
- Hollywood Juniper (EG)**
- Japanese Black Pine (EG)**
- Japanese Maple (US)
- Lacebark Elm (FG)***
- Kidney Wood
- Lacey Oak
- Live Oak
- Magnolia (EG)**
- Mesquite
- Mexican Buckeye (US)
- Mexican Plum (US)
- Mulberry Fruitless
- Pecan (Native)
- Persimmon
- Possum Haw (US)
- Red Bud (“Forest Panzy”)
- Red Cedar (EG)**
- Red Maple
- Red Oak (Schumardii, Texana, Rubra)
- Smoke Tree
- Sumac
- Texas Ash
- Texas Persimmon (Dry)
- Toothache (US)*
- Tree of Senna
- Vasey oak
- Viburnum (US)
- Vitex (Dry)
- Western Soapberry
- Winged Elm
- Yaupon Holly (US,FG)*
*(US) = Understory
**(EG) = Evergreen
***(FG) = Fast Growing