Are You in Need of an Arborist?

Many people have interacted with an arborist at one point or another, especially if tree maintenance was in order. Those individuals who are not familiar with arborists, though, may assume they only plant or grow trees. But they do so much more! Here at Advanced Tree and Shrub Care, we are all certified arborists who take pride in our work of saving sick trees! Read on to learn more about how an arborist can help you!

what is an arborist

What Is an Arborist?

The term arborist refers to an individual who has studied, and works in, tree health. This means they understand the anatomy and structure of trees as well as how they function in their environment. Arborists tend to concentrate mainly on individual trees instead of whole forests and therefore work in more residential or commercial areas. They understand how to maintain the general upkeep of trees as well as how to keep them healthy and safe so people can continue to enjoy their benefits all year long.

What Qualifications and Certifications Does an Arborist Need?

It takes a lot of time and effort to become a qualified arborist. Many companies require an associate’s or bachelor’s degree in a related field (sometimes even a master’s), though a few places focus more on the field experience an arborist needs. Regardless of degrees, all arborists must have firsthand experience identifying trees and maintaining their health using the proper tools. Lastly, most companies require a certification through The International Society of Arboriculture. In order to become certified, the arborist must have either a degree in arboriculture (or a related field) or at least three years of experience working with trees and shrubs.

What Services Does an Arborist Provide?

Arborists are well-versed in many aspects of trees and other woody plants. They understand how to keep trees healthy as well as how to safely remove them when they are no longer thriving. An arborist is typically the person who is trimming and pruning trees, especially if the trees are causing a hazard due to weather or decay. Removing trees completely is usually a last resort, but an arborist is the person to call in order to figure out if this is necessary. Finally, arborists tend to have experience in several other areas of expertise, such as arborary diseases and tree planting.

If you feel as though you and your property could benefit from an experienced and certified arborist here at Advanced Tree and Shrub Care, contact us today! We would love to take care of your trees!

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