5 Best Tree Health Treatments for Maintaining Your Tree

While keeping your trees healthy may sound like a simple idea, it can be difficult to keep them in good shape without a little help. That’s why there are many treatments designed for trees that can help you maintain their health and even keep them looking great.

Let’s take a look at five of the best tree health treatments you can use on your trees.

1. Root Fertilization/Plant Nutrition

Drought, compaction and poor drainage etc. can cause nutrient deficiencies in trees, which lead to unhealthy growth. Plant nutrition or root fertilization is the first step in maintaining tree health. The most neglected but most important service, “Everything needs to eat.”

2. Pruning/Trimming

Pruning is one of the most basic treatments for tree health and survival. It will help you reduce threats to its life, by removing dead and diseased tissue and by removing structural imperfections. The key to pruning is to know how, how much, and how often. Pruning correctly adds real estate value. Do not “broccoli cut” your trees, as it destroys structure and value. Trimming (as opposed to pruning) is performed on shrubs and ornamentals.

before pruning/trimming
after pruning/trimming

3. Mulching

Mulching is a great way to keep your trees healthy and help them thrive. Mulching helps reduce evaporation, which can be especially important in dry climates. It also helps insulate the roots from extreme temperatures, especially cold temperatures in the winter or hot temperatures in the summer.

The mulch will protect your tree from weeds and pests, and mower/weed eater impact. You should mulch all around the base of your tree in the valleys but not the peaks (root flares).

exposed roots

4. Aerating

Soil compaction can occur when soil is too wet or too dry for too long. Aerating allows water, oxygen and nutrients to penetrate deeper into the soil to reach the roots of your tree more easily.

Aerating improves the air circulation around the roots of a tree, which increases its ability to absorb nutrients from the soil. It also helps prevent disease by increasing drainage around damaged roots. This a normal practice of our Treesentials plan.

bark shakes

5. Medicament Treatments

Insects like aphids, mites, caterpillars, and beetles can cause serious damage to a tree if left unchecked. Treatments can be applied as liquid trunk or soil injection, trunk or foliar application etc.

This treatment also helps prevent diseases from spreading through insect-damaged leaves or branches, which could potentially kill your entire tree if left untreated!

Contact us for Professional Tree Care Services

Advanced Tree & Shrub Care offers a range of trees and shrubs services of the highest quality. Our certified arborists have years of experience maintaining trees, and we always guarantee satisfaction. For all your tree and shrub needs, contact Advanced Tree & Shrub Care today!

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