6 Reasons to Prune Your Trees

Pruning a tree is essential for the health and livelihood of the plant. Below, we’ve compiled six reasons why having trees pruned is an important step to keeping your lawn healthy and whole. Aesthetics The most visual reason for pruning your trees is simply to help them fit in better with the surrounding landscape. Removing dead…

Extending the Life of Your Trees

The foundation of a healthy tree is regular tree pruning by an experienced tree care provider.   Failure to enlist the help of a trained tree care specialist can result in deterioration of a tree’s structure, a misshapen appearance, or unsafe conditions for your tree and nearby people. By pruning your trees on a regular basis,…

Preparing Your Trees for Spring Storms

Local forecasters in North Texas call for another stormy spring this year. Homeowners’ often associate heavy, wet winter snows with tree damage but high winds are just as destructive. While broken tree limbs can’t always be prevented, proper maintenance reduces the chances of that happening. Preparing for spring storms should include a careful assessment of your trees by an…

The Best Time to Prune/Trim

Fall is absolutely the best time to prune/trim your trees. As a Certified Arborist, we recommend pruning before winter and the Texas ice storms. Pruning, especially when done correctly, can eliminate most structural issues in trees that can cause failure and the possibility of losing the entire tree due to excess ice or snow. Fertilizing/treating trees increases viability. A…

Fall Planting and Pruning

If you are one of those people who are semi-organic then listen.  I believe it is best to plant early in the fall, for many reasons but one in particular and that is it allows more time for growth.  Although it is cooler and the leaves are falling off or have fallen off, roots are…