Why Hire a ASCA Registered Consulting Arborist?

registered consulting arborist

If you are like many people, you call a tree contractor when you have a tree problem and probably never even heard of a registered consulting arborist. Essentially, a registered consulting arborist is a tree expert. They have certified knowledge and skills in the technical areas of trees and tree care. They can diagnose, treat, cure or prevent issues related to tree health.

The American Society of Consulting Arborists (ASCA), established in 1967, registers consulting arborists and provide them with the tools and education needed to support high standards. Members agree to work under the Standards of Professional Practice, which gives direction for members to manage their professional behavior. Consulting arborists prove their expertise to homeowners, commercial consultants, and the legal community.

An RCA can help make sure your trees are properly installed and maintained. Their mission is the safety, health, and preservation of trees. If you are having a tree problem, an RCA can inspect the tree and provide in-depth reporting and analysis.

Basic Services Provided:

  • Tree Inspection and Diagnosis
  • Hazard and Risk Assessment
  • Value Appraisals
  • Expert Reporting and Opinions
  • Landscape Consulting and Planning

Using a registered consulting arborist is the right person for the right job. Understanding the differences is important. A general tree contractor may have years of experience working with trees, but they do not have the expertise to diagnose or treat tree health issues, assess safety. or give a recognized expert opinion.

If you would like to talk more about ASCA Registered Consulting Arborists, or need more information, please contact us.

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